Saturday, March 14, 2009

March Madness!!

Well march hasn't been too crazy but it is a catchy saying. The end of February was a little crazy though, near the end of it we had one of our Interns, Sonja leave Urban Promise and now she is traveling around the US and Canada (Seattle as we speak). At the same time one of our longest standing directors mom's died of cancer and one of our Camps also passed away. As the old saying goes "When it rains it pours" well it was pouring at Urban Promise. I had been an intern at Camp Joy, as I mentioned in my first blog, so it was kind of sad to the camp end. Seeing that Urban Promise is primarily run by donations(80-90%) when the giving goes down so do some of our programs. So instead of making the situation depressing we ended it on a high note. He brought all the old directors, staff and street leaders back for one last day. Dana and I had prepared a big pizza party for the kids and presented each kid with a book and some of them even won the board games that we had at the camp. Part way through the day I hung a pinata for the kids to hit and I had each kid put on a blindfold and spun them around. It was alot of fun. Bruce, the executive Director of Urban Promise, said he'd never seen a pinata that held together so well before. It probably had to do with my duct tape job! Anyways after that the campers got to show off the presentations that they had made and then we ended off the day with an aerobics workout and and their favorite game, FLOOR HOCKEY! It seemed like one of the longest days ever but it was fully worth it.

1 comment:

  1. We love your updates Jayers! Thanks for keeping us in the loop! That's too bad about the camp, does this mean that your work at Urban Promise has changed?



About Me

I Love to just hang out with people, laughing lots and sharing the love of God which I have been so gratiously given.