Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Closing time!!

Hey Everyone, Well the Urban Promise After School program is coming to a close this week. We've all been busy around here getting prepared for the summer program, and making sure we finish up our projects that we've started. At the moment I'm finishing up building projects with my grade 5-7 kids at Camp Grace. These projects have been long overdue to get done. they were suppose to be done in six weeks and now its going on eight and were on our last couple hours. Its been a really good experience though. I think all the kids have learned alot. Its been really rewarding seeing the kids take pride in their work. They all have learned how to use a level, tape measure, screw driver and hand drill. They even are getting good at wielding a paint brushes and reading building plans. These kids really didn't get excited about most of my earlier ideas but they really have stuck this one out. I'm very proud of them, they all have lots of talent and skill. I can wait to keep track of these kids and see where they might take these abilities and talents. Well I am taking a break from the program for a little while so hopefully I'll see some of you in the coming weeks. Then my next adventure is summer camps. Summer camps are a six week intensive where we have twice the kids and the program runs everyday 9am-2pm. All I know is I got to get some sleep before that starts because kids consume alot of energy. I can't wait! This will be a great chance to get to know more kids and really build some strong relationships on a short time. One day at a time though. If I can survive this next week is all I'm hoping. Thank you all for your support I couldn't have done this leg of my journey without everyone's support. If you have any questions or you know anyone who is looking for a rewarding opportunity for the summer, Urban Promise is always looking for loving, caring individuals who can work with kids for the summer just give me a ring. The number here is 1-604-432-1454 and I'll hook you up. Thanks again. Cheers!!


About Me

I Love to just hang out with people, laughing lots and sharing the love of God which I have been so gratiously given.